Hello! My name is
Fiona Tang
I'm a user-focused, results-driven software engineer specializing in building technology solutions that enable individuals and organizations to create a more sustainable and equitable future.
About me
My most recent work experiences are at Code for America and at The Mom Project. While at CfA, I partnered with the government of Adams County, Colorado, to build a web app that helped people experiencing homelessness access temporary shelter. At The Mom Project, I helped to build a digital talent marketplace that connects moms, dads, and caretakers to companies looking to hire.
When I'm not coding, I enjoy reading, cooking, practicing new drum beats, listening to podcasts, learning about urban planning and walkable cities, and spending time with friends and family. I'm also a stationery hobbyist and a coffee enthusiast.
Software Engineer
  • Built, tested, and debugged features to enhance user flows to improve user acquisition and retention: log in, sign up, and job post creation (Rails, React.js).
  • Planned and led engineering work for several high-impact epics. Clarified engineering effort and scope, synthesized feature requests, and documented technical specifications. Wrote user stories and acceptance criteria for ticket creation.
  • Built reusable components for a migration from Rails codebase to a brand new front-end architecture (Next.js, React.js, TypeScript), leveraging integrations between our data structures, microservices, and APIs.
  • Contributed to the creation and maintenance of a new design system and component UI library (Material UI, Storybook).
  • Participated in feature prioritization, architecture discussions, and code reviews across four distinct repositories.
  • Built a new site navigation (top-level header and footer) that included dropdown menus, a toggleable Login/Join modal, and a hamburger menu for mobile devices, tablets, and smaller screen widths on desktop.
  • Updated transactional emails with new content and designs, following two major company re-brands. Wrote application logic to implement email-related workers and triggers (React, Rails, SendGrid, Sidekiq).
Writings & Media
A long line of people stand waiting for intake to the SWAP program outside a building with the title Historic City Hall. It is a bright day in winter, with no leaves on nearby trees.
When a Cool, Shiny App Wont Cut It: Recognizing the Limits of Technology in Addressing Homelessness
Code for America
Working to find housing solutions for people experiencing homelessness shows that technology is just one piece of the puzzle
The Adams County Government Center is a large building with the Colorado and US flags flown outside.
Meet the Community Fellows: Team Adams County
Code for America
An interview with the Adams County Fellows on housing stability as a human right and using technology to make a positive impact
a photo of a hand hovering over a blue grid representing a palm scanner
'A Terrible Idea'
Digital Privacy News
Amazon Expands Contactless Palm Technology During Pandemic
a screenshot of software used by law enforcement to view license plate data
'Giving It Out Like Candy'
Digital Privacy News
Calif. Bill Seeks to Stop Police From Unbridled License-Plate Data Collection
ACLU FOIA Seeks Information About How Government Launders Evidence
The ACLU filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request seeking records related to “parallel construction.”
Reach out
If you want to collaborate on projects related to climate change, civic tech, or data visualization / data journalism, I'd love to hear from you.